Allen Chapple – Quit Drinking a Sober Survival Guide – This guy has copied my book!


They say that having someone copy your work is the ultimate compliment. But when I discovered that someone had ripped off my book The Sober Survival Guide it felt like anything but a compliment. I felt really angry, I had worked on my book for over a year and suddenly I had found a book that appeared to be a sub-standard rip off of my work.

What caught my eye was the fact that the ‘author’ had the same surname as me – his name is Allen Chapple – now my surname is fairly unique, it is an unusual spelling, so to find that someone else with the exact same surname had released a book about quitting alcohol immediately aroused my interest.

Check out the best books for stopping drinking alcohol

It then struck me that the ‘author’ had the same forename as Allen Carr, who has published a number of books to help people who want to stop drinking.

I decided to take a closer look and immediately saw that the title bore remarkable similarities to that of my own book, which was released over a year before this one.

Allen Chapple has titled his book – Quit Drinking – A Sober Survival Guide


My book is:

Simon Chapple – The Sober Survival Guide

This was starting to feel like more than a coincidence so I decided to buy a copy to see if my work had been plagiarised by the so called – Allen Chapple.

As I looked through the contents of Allen Chapple’s work, I quickly realised that he had stolen more than just my surname and the title of my book. The entire structure and layout had been copied along with the content, it had simply been tweaked and rehashed to appear original.

Below – the contents from Allen Chapple – Quit Drinking a Sober Survival Guide 

Allen Chapple - Quit Drinking - A Sober Survival Guide


Below – the contents from my book Simon Chapple – The Sober Survival Guide 

Simon Chapple - Quit Drinking - The Sober Survival Guide
















Allen Chapple clearly couldn’t be bothered to work on a full version of the book and left out around half of the chapters, but as you can see below, every single chapter in Quit Drinking – A Sober Survival Guide is taken from my own book.

The content within Allen Chapple’s book is a poor quality rewrite of my own work. It is such a shame that someone feels the need to copy another authors hard work rather than create their own original ideas and present them to the world.

I have attempted to make contact with Allen Chapple, but surprisingly there doesn’t appear to be anyone with this name who is an ‘author’.

I am unsure of Allen Chapple has stolen my name, book title and content to make money or whether he wanted to publish a book and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Personally, I could never feel a sense of accomplishment if I had plagiarised someone else’s work. Even if I presented it to the outside world to gain approval and adulation I would know deep inside myself that I was a fake and a fraud – I am sorry to say this, but Allen Chapple, that is exactly what you are.

I would love to speak directly to Allen Chapple but I very much doubt he will have the balls to contact me, people who deceive and carry out underhand, sneaky behaviours will usually fear confrontation – so I am left with little choice but to publicly call him out…

Allen Chapple – you have plagiarised my work and I will ensure I make as many people aware as possible until you make contact with me directly to discuss exactly why you felt you had the right to steal my work and break copyright laws.


If you are looking for the genuine copy of The Sober Survival Guide – you can find it here.

The original version of my book – The Sober Survival Guide that has been copied by Allen Chapple

The Sober Survival Guide - Simon Chapple

The Sober Survival Guide – Simon Chapple














If you would like to leave a review on Amazon and let Allen Chapple know what you think of his behaviour, you can do it here.

Please feel free to leave a comment below.



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If you need some inspiration, check this out…
🎥❤️‍🔥  My Top 5 favourite videos to help you quit alcohol on your own – watch these now if you are curious about sobriety and becoming alcohol-free:

1 – How I quit alcohol after 40 years –
2 – Awesome tactic to stop alcohol cravings fast –
3 – 7 tips for the first week of sobriety –
4 – Does alcohol cause depression and anxiety –
5 – Weight loss and stopping drinking alcohol –

🌞 MUST WATCH – Check out my most viewed YouTube video – 7 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Sobriety – here

📚  Get the first 10 chapters of my first book totally free here:


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