Stop Drinking Books by Simon Chapple – Recommended Quit Alcohol Books

Simon Chapple is a best-selling author, sobriety coach and speaker who has helped thousands of people change the way that alcohol has featured in their lives. Many have chosen to quit drinking and never looked back after reading Simon’s books.
If you are looking for a ‘quit lit’ book in 2021 that will help you stop drinking alcohol you will find everything you need in either of Simon’s powerful titles below.
By Simon Chapple – Foreword by William Porter – Author of Alcohol Explained
The Number #1 Hot New Release on Amazon.
Available now
Click here to instantly download a free sample of the book now
Download the free accompanying workbook here
What readers are saying about – How to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days:
“The sober life is so superior to the drinking life that there is no contest. But most drinkers have been drinking for many years, or even decades, and find [it] hard to change. The sober coach takes the hand of the reader and shows them the beautiful truth: that alcohol is a pathetic and unpleasant little drug.” – William Porter, author of ‘Alcohol Explained’.
‘A sober manifesto’ – Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind.
“From designing your own sober toolbox to changing your mindset, Simon shows you the path to set yourself up for success.” – Judy C.
‘Simon is fabulous – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!’ – Clare Pooley, author of The Sober Diaries.
‘I love this book, anyone serious about giving up drinking should get this’ – Alex Walker, Bee Sober & The Sober Experiment.
“A powerful book. Simon tells it like it is but combines it with a level of care and skill I have not seen in other quit alcohol books” – Neil M.
Is this book for you?
If so – here’s some good news. You can quit drinking, and it’s not as difficult as you think.
Simon Chapple is a Certified Alcohol Coach who has helped thousands of people change the way that alcohol features in their lives. In How to Quit Drinking in 50 Days he’ll give you a structured way to find complete freedom from alcohol – for now, or forever.
This 50-day journey to freedom is split into two parts. Days 1-25 will ask you to take an honest look at the impact alcohol has had on your life, to examine the reasons for your drinking, and will arm you with the best strategy for quitting alcohol successfully. Days 26-50 will ask you to make the commitment to taking a break from alcohol – taking each step with one chapter a day, and answering the questions that come up.
There are strategies for dealing with challenges and setbacks, and a wealth of resources for finding support and inspiration. Above all, there is a genuine passion for the sober adventure, and the huge rewards of an alcohol-free life – a life of freedom that’s waiting for you.
Download the accompanying workbook from the John Murray Learning Library website, or the free John Murray Learning app.
By Simon Chapple – Foreword by Annie Grace – Author of This Naked Mind – Control Alcohol
The Number #1 Best Seller that has helped thousands of people change the way alcohol features in their lives.
Free Audiobook Sample – Click Here
Or download the first 10 chapters totally free here
Available to buy now:
Buy now on Amazon UK here
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Buy now on Amazon Australia here
“Simon Chapple’s Sober Survival Guide is a refreshing and cheery look at life without alcohol. Sound dreary? It’s not! Simon metaphorically takes the reader by the hand and leads them through a journey to freedom from alcohol. As he does, he demolishes pervasive myths about alcohol consumption and cessation, like having to hit bottom or having to call yourself names like “alcoholic”. Throughout he continually encourages to reader to be curious, experiment and find out for yourself what a life free of alcohol would be like. Be smart and take him up on it!” Val C.
“Simon Chapple leaves no room for excuses. If you are on the fence with your drinking, this is a must read! Simon helped me to see how I have been stuck in cognitive dissonance and now I am armed with the necessary knowledge, self-confidence and power needed to kick this forever. This book provided just the boost I needed to get a divorce from alcohol once and for all.” Angela P.
Are you tired of thinking about drinking?
Hands up if you believe any of the following about drinking alcohol to be true:
- I can’t have fun without alcohol.
- Imagine going to a party without drinking!
- it makes me feel less anxious or depressed;
- it helps me sleep;
- I can’t relax without it;
- it makes me entertaining to be around;
- it fits the lifestyle of my boozy friends;
- I like the taste of alcohol; it’s cool and sophisticated;
- I’m not confident enough to talk to new people without it;
- it helps me deal with all the problems life throws my way;
- it stops me worrying about how much I’m drinking (ironic, I know).
If you find yourself nodding at even one of these statements, then I know how you feel. I was a heavy daily drinker for over twenty years, I too used to believe that I couldn’t live without alcohol, and that once I’d had a few drinks I was funny to be around (hilarious in fact).
Are you too are tired and fed up with the routine of drinking, and want to make a change and improve your life? Or you may simply be curious about how an alcohol-free life might look for you. Could it be better? Happier? Calmer? More peaceful?
Perhaps you’re already on the path to changing your relationship with booze and might have read other ‘sober books’ or taken part in programmes to help you quit. I want you to know you can do the same as me and find complete freedom from alcohol, and that you don’t have to wait for years like I did.
Also, I want to reassure you that alcohol addiction is never a person’s fault, and that there’s no need to blame yourself for finding it hard to give up. It honestly isn’t as difficult as you might think, and this book will provide the support, tactics and advice you need as you progress on your sober journey.
The best selling book The Sober Survival Guide is unique in that it is split into two parts. The first is designed to set you up for success and put you in a place where you can find freedom from alcohol if that’s what you want. The first part of the book contains essential information for when you’re in the early stages of controlling your drinking.
The second part serves as a handbook as you move forward into an alcohol-free life and is where this book comes into its own. As you read it you’ll see I’ve used my own experiences and those of the people I’ve worked with to help ensure you’re ready for the challenges, fears, and questions that will come up in the years after quitting drinking. You’ll learn how to handle the work Christmas party without a glass of bubbly in hand, the joys of sober holidays, what to do when you stop drinking but your partner won’t, and a whole lot more. With this part you can dip in and out, picking the chapters that address the problems you’re facing that day or week.
This unique quit alcohol book also shares my own stories and personal accounts that helped me learn (sometimes the hard way), so as well as providing vital tools and tactics it will also leave you with a smile on your face and provide you with a fun and enjoyable read. Part memoir, part sober guide and 100% alcohol free – The Sober Survival Guide is perfect for anyone looking to free themselves from the grip of alcohol.
Simon Chapple is the founder of Be Sober one of the largest online ‘quit drinking’ communities, he is also a speaker and works as a Certified Alcohol Coach working with This Naked Mind helping people change their relationship with alcohol. He has helped thousands of people quit drinking and has made it his life mission to spread the word about the benefits an alcohol-free life brings.
'Your windshield is bigger than your rearview for a reason; the mirror is there to help you glance back at where you’ve been, but if you focus too much on it, you’re going to crash.
We are ALL affected by our past and we are ALL reminded of it now and again, but we cannot live in it unless we want to repeat it over and over again. We need to learn from it, take lessons from it, know what’s good (and not good) for us, and adjust accordingly. Mistakes are only mistakes until we learn from them and then they become lessons.'
Love this from the Your Tango blog, it sums up the need for a forward focused growth mindset in sobriety and life in general.
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Having an amazing time in #Japan and managed to head south out of Tokyo for a few days today to Kamakura by the ocean.
The drinking culture here is totally different to the UK, but all the bars are full, not many AF options either, but I wouldn’t want to visit such an amazing place and spoil it by boozing.
#tokyo #kamakura #tokyonight #tokyoneon #kamakuratemple #japaneseshrine #buddhisttemple #japantravel #tokyotrip #ramen #japaneseculture #japanlife
Wow! Rock Bottom & Rising has won the GOLD medal at the @nautilusbookawards for the best Addiction Recovery Memoir.
The book has 21 incredible stories by real people who have quit alcohol and turned their lives around, it is a truly inspirational read.
So this award is for everyone who contributed to the book, congratulations and thank you!
#bestbooks #nautilusbookaward #nautilusbookawards #nautilusbookawardwinner #sheldonpress #hatchettebookgroup #hodderandstoughton #addictionbooks #adictionmemoir #alcoholbooks #sobrietybooks #soberbooks
Woohoo! Just seen one of my books on the shelf @theworksstores #anxiety #anxietybook #theworks #bookshop #selfhelpbook #bookstore
Just finished recording a piece with @itvnews about the growing number of people quitting alcohol and the sobriety movement as a whole.
It airs next week, so look out for my shiny head on your TV screens.
#itv #sobriety #itvnews #sobermovement #sobercoach #tvinterview #newsstory #alcoholfree #soberlife #sobrietyrules
These two inspiring books from leading sobriety coach Simon Chapple are out today!
Read more...Repost
Featuring contributions from some of the most well-known personalities in the Sober Space, Rock Bottom and Rising brings us real, raw, relatable stories from individuals who’ve found joy in an alcohol-free life.
The perfect companion to Rock Bottom – The Sober Life Journal captures the essence of journaling and provides space to grow and develop as you embark on a sober life. With hundreds of writing prompts, pages for reflection, focus, inspiration and guided exercises, this beautiful new journal supports your intention to create something lasting and meaningful to accompany you on your journey to an alcohol-free life.
Ideal for anyone contemplating a sober life come the new year, or from #dryjanuary.
Find out more in our bio.
#RockBottomandRising #SoberLife #Sober #SobrietyCoach #Sobriety #StopDrinking #Freefromalcohol #AlcoholFree #SoberBook #SimonChapple #BeSober #Howtogosober #quittingalcohol #teetotaller #teetotal #alcoholism #aa #cutdown #alcoholic #thisnakedmind #addiction #problemdrinking #soberjourney
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If you need some inspiration, check this out…
🎥❤️🔥 My Top 5 favourite videos to help you quit alcohol on your own – watch these now if you are curious about sobriety and becoming alcohol-free:
1 – How I quit alcohol after 40 years –
2 – Awesome tactic to stop alcohol cravings fast –
3 – 7 tips for the first week of sobriety –
4 – Does alcohol cause depression and anxiety –
5 – Weight loss and stopping drinking alcohol –
🌞MUST WATCH – Check out my most viewed YouTube video – 7 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Sobriety – here
📚 Get the first 10 chapters of my first book totally free here: