How to stop drinking wine every day, or night

Stop drinking wine for good - forever


Wine, red wine, I drank it every single day for over twenty years.

If I had a good day, a bad day or an indifferent day I would always find a reason to open a bottle and once that was finished I would open another.

I believed that wine helped me in so many ways, I honestly thought that it added to my life and provided me with positive benefits.

I didn’t stop to look at my behaviour when I was drinking, the mood swings, the arguments, the hangovers and the lack of true connection with the important people in my life. Even when I wasn’t drinking I was thinking about when I would be, wine ruled my life, it came before everything else, everything that was truly important.

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Some of my beliefs included thinking that:

Wine helped ease my anxiety.
Wine enabled me to have fun.
Wine helped me relax.
Wine enabled me to feel free and lose my inhibitions.
Drinking wine meant I wasn’t boring.

For years I lived with these beliefs, my whole life was dictated by the rules I had given myself that revolved around consuming alcohol daily.

But my beliefs were wrong, so very wrong and they began to slowly tear my life apart. As I got into my 40’s the toll of daily drinking began to get too much. My mental health was suffering, my relationships with the closest people to me were in trouble, my business and career weren’t receiving the attention they deserved, my physical health was a constant worry and I was beginning to realise that maybe I wasn’t the perfect parent that I thought I was.


I began to suffer a deep internal conflict, I wanted to reassure myself that my drinking wasn’t a problem. After all, everybody drank like I did, right? But at the same time I also wanted to stop drinking, I knew in my heart I had to stop and that I had lost control over my ‘habit’.

Something needed to change, but I had no clue how to make such a huge adjustment to my life. I felt like I was caught in a trap and there was no way out. The only solution appeared to be drinking more wine to dampen the negative thoughts and feelings.

For roughly five years I remained stuck with the painful internal conflict. I regret not taking positive action sooner and if you are reading this I would urge you to do something now, because the feeling doesn’t go away on its own, only you can end the internal conflict and the only way is to take action.

Finally I began learning about sobriety and living an alcohol-free life, I treated it like I was studying for a new career or a big exam and immersed myself in the learning. The more I learned, the more my false beliefs (that I listed above) began to change, this was pretty much how it went:


Wine helped ease my anxiety.

Wrong, the wine is making it much worse. It might take away the anxious feelings for a few hours, but the next day my anxiety is out of control.

Wine enabled me to have fun.

Also wrong, but I didn’t know this for certain until I began experiencing myself having fun without drinking.

Wine helped me relax.

More lies to myself, I might feel relaxed when the alcohol initially numbed me. But it was short-lived, I soon became snappy, grumpy and unreasonable. The next day with a hangover and a strong craving to drink again couldn’t be further away from a feeling of relaxation.

Wine enabled me to feel free and lose my inhibitions.

Alcohol is proven to lower inhibitions, so this was true to an extent. But when I looked back at all the stupid and regrettable things I had done by getting in this state I question why I would want to behave like this, it wasn’t who I was.

Drinking wine meant I wasn’t boring.

Another limiting belief, but I had to experience life without alcohol to know this was really true, I used to laugh at people who didn’t drink and call them boring. Now I realise it is the people who get drunk who are the boring ones, especially when they become loud, talk over people, don’t listen and repeat themselves. Life is not boring without alcohol, it has never been more rich and vibrant!

The fact was, my beliefs were a huge part of the reason I ended up staying stuck for so long and I realised that in order to change my life I had to change my beliefs.

Watch the video below with some awesome tips and advice for stopping drinking wine every day.



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If you need some inspiration, check this out…
🎥❤️‍🔥  My Top 5 favourite videos to help you quit alcohol on your own – watch these now if you are curious about sobriety and becoming alcohol-free:

1 – How I quit alcohol after 40 years –
2 – Awesome tactic to stop alcohol cravings fast –
3 – 7 tips for the first week of sobriety –
4 – Does alcohol cause depression and anxiety –
5 – Weight loss and stopping drinking alcohol –

🌞 MUST WATCH – Check out my most viewed YouTube video – 7 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Sobriety – here

📚  Get the first 10 chapters of my first book totally free here:


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