How Does Alcohol Poisoning Happen?


Alcohol poisoning is an extremely serious condition that can occur when a person consumes too much alcohol that the body cannot process. We know that addiction to alcohol can occur whether you are drinking a relatively low, but consistent amount of alcohol on a daily/weekly basis. However, alcohol poisoning occurs from a period of brief binge drinking, where a toxic amount of alcohol is consumed is a short space of time.

According to the NHS, alcohol poisoning is one of the leading causes of poisoning amongst adults in England, especially in younger people. However, the impact of poisoning can be seen across all adult age group (NHS reference here – I wanted to create a post on this topic, as alcohol poisoning can pose a real risk to life if medical treatment is not sought quickly. I will highlight in this blog the signs of alcohol poisoning along with the short to long terms dangers.

If you consume 12+ units of alcohol (5-6 pints of average strength beer or 8-10 small glasses of wine), then you are unfortunately at far greater risk of alcohol poisoning. I can speak from experience, with saying that it doesn’t take long to consume a bottle or two of wine and even I was shocked at this statistic. It is a literal miracle that I never suffered from alcohol poisoning before I started my sober journey.

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What do the statistics tell us?

The official statistics released by the ONS are not based on the real-time number of deaths, therefore, it will be a while until we know the situation with the negative impact of Covid-19 and alcohol-related deaths. Looking at the ONS stats published in December 2019, you can see that there were 7,551 registered deaths in the UK in 2018 which were related to alcohol. I think the most impactful thing on this number is that the ONS refers to this statistic as ‘Stable’. This, to me, is a really upsetting statement to read, as any one death related to alcohol, is a death that could have potentially been avoided with the right care and treatment.

What may be surprising to some to read (it was to me), is that the highest percentage of deaths related to alcohol in 2018 were men aged 55-59 and women aged 60-64. When we think of binge drinking or drinking to such an excessive rate that it causes alcohol poisoning and death, the media portrays that the real problem is with the younger generation, which reflects what the NHS states as well. However, from the ONS statistics, the real danger to life is far greater in older adults.


If you would like more information about the ONS report on alcohol-related deaths then please click on this link –

What are the signs of alcohol poisoning?

Whether you have found this blog online because you are worried for your own health with regard to your drinking habits, or you are concerned about someone you care about. You can see from the above statistics that alcohol poisoning can pose real harm to life. Therefore, I wanted to describe some of the key symptoms so you can be aware, which are as follows:

• Loss of co-ordination
• Confusion
• Slurred speech
• Vomiting
• Irregular breathing patterns
• Stupor – Being conscious but not responsive.
• Passing out and remaining unconscious.
• Hypothermia – Appearance of pale or a blue tinge to skin from low body temperature.


The above symptoms are listed on the NHS website. It is also stated that in the most severe of cases, alcohol poisoning can lead to coma, brain damage and death.

I know the above will be worrying to read but I want to make you aware of how serious alcohol poisoning can be, as I want you to be informed and safe. I know for me, the real shock factor of my level of drinking was when I use to wake up in the morning and my hands were shaking. I really started to look into the damage I was causing to my body and what may lay-in store if I didn’t make a real positive change.

If you are reading this blog because you are concerned about your own level of alcohol consumption, then trust me, I know that you are likely thinking, ‘alcohol poisoning?’ That only happens to others and people who are not in control. I also had this mentality, that my drinking wasn’t that severe and that everyone does it, so why should I be the unlucky one? I would urge the point that I believe that alcohol poisoning happens because of denial. Not realising the severity of the situation and thinking, it will never happen to me.

Looking Forward

I don’t want this post to be a depressing read with the statistics and the dangers that alcohol poisoning can pose, but I do feel it was extremely important to write about a rather unspoken topic and the problems it can pose.

The best way to keep yourself or someone who you care about safe is intervention. If you are reading this post because you are worried about your own alcohol consumption, then from my own experience, it is likely that there is something to be concerned about. I use to try to only read about the positive impact of alcohol. How a glass of wine is good for you, etc, but when you delve into it, you suddenly realise the truth. Alcohol is an addictive drug that in excessive amounts is toxic to your body.

An addiction to alcohol can start off slow and before you seem to know it, you are drinking on a daily basis and you start to panic when the wine rack is running low, or the fridge is near empty with beer. If any of this resonates with you, then I urge you to take a real look at your drinking and how it controls your feelings and actions.

Be Sober – Stay Sober

I started my journey of creating and my quit alcohol programme as I quickly realised from when I started my sobriety journey, that I was not alone. I reached out initially, putting my thoughts and feelings on places such as Facebook, or speaking to people close to me. It soon dawned on me how big of an issue alcohol is and how difficult it can be to stop drinking.

The aim of my programme is help you as I have been on the journey you are about to embark on and also provide you with a solid support network of others going through the same journey as well. Alcoholism can be a lonely illness and one that with the right support network around you, can be a lot easier to overcome. If you would like to find out more about me, then please check out my YouTube channel. You can also download the first 10 chapters of my book ‘The Sober Survival Guide’ which will be sent to your inbox instantly from entering your email into my website form.

Don’t let alcohol win. There is so much more to life than what alcohol can provide and although it may not feel like it, as the drug controls your thinking, trust me when I say, that real life begins at the start of sobriety.



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If you need some inspiration, check this out…
🎥❤️‍🔥 My Top 5 favourite videos to help you quit alcohol on your own – watch these now if you are curious about sobriety and becoming alcohol-free:

1 – How I quit alcohol after 40 years –
2 – Awesome tactic to stop alcohol cravings fast –
3 – 7 tips for the first week of sobriety –
4 – Does alcohol cause depression and anxiety –
5 – Weight loss and stopping drinking alcohol –

🌞MUST WATCH – Check out my most viewed YouTube video – 7 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Sobriety – here

📚 Get the first 10 chapters of my first book totally free here:


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