PAWS – Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

PAWS - Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

By Adrienne Kaliszak

PAWS or post-acute withdrawal syndrome is a condition that occurs when stopping any substance that we are physically addicted to.

PAWS can occur with stopping alcohol, opioids, anti-depressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and marijuana.

The symptoms of PAWS include long-term cravings and mood swings that can come and go for up to a year of stopping the substance.

The most difficult effect of PAWS occurs during the first 2 weeks of stopping that substance and after that, the cravings and mood swings can happen sporadically throughout the first year of ending the addictive substance.

Symptoms of PAWS

The symptoms of PAWS include:

  • Irritability and hostility
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Sleep disruption, including insomnia
  • Limited ability to focus or think clearly
  • Lack of libido
  • Inexplicable chronic pain

How to Deal with PAWS

When stopping any substance it may be necessary to get help from a detox facility as in some cases it can be dangerous just stopping cold turkey. Or you can work closely with your doctor to be tapered off the drug.

Know that what you are experiencing is normal and it is your body’s way of healing.

Also know it won’t always be so difficult.

You will have good days and bad days.

Keep in mind the big picture which is being free and living a life you can be proud of, becoming your true and authentic self, loving yourself again.

Join a Recovery Program

To increase your chances of long-term recovery it’s a great idea to join a recovery program such as AA/NA, Be Sober, This Naked Mind, Smart Recovery, or Celebrate Recovery.

Having a program and community of people who can encourage and support you along the way is incredibly beneficial and I believe necessary for sustained abstinence.

Don’t Give Up

The thought of recovery may seem daunting, but it truly is worth all the time and effort you invest in yourself.

Even if you slip, get back up and try again.

You only fail when you give up.

Don’t give up.


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