How I Gained Freedom from Alcohol; The Early Days

By Adrienne Kaliszak
Before finding my permanent freedom from alcohol on June 23rd, 2020, I had been making attempts at getting sober unsuccessfully. I had been going to a variety of online resources for support as well as the occasional AA meeting.
It wasn’t until I joined Simon Chapple’s Be Sober program that getting sober finally clicked for me.
It was a combination of the Be Sober program, as well as the learning about myself from prior attempts, plus the intervention from my daughter, that finally gave me the strength and perseverance to get sober.
I had finally gotten tired of the trying and failing that I surrendered and decided to go with the flow and go through the difficult feelings and obstacles of getting sober.
I knew the first week and weekend would be difficult. I ended up quitting on a Friday, which made it easier to make it through the first weekend sober. When the second weekend got here, I knew I could get through it because I did the previous one.
I often would sleep or rest by listening to music to get through the cravings and difficult moments. Music and rest helped me tremendously.
It was a real mental battle in the early days as I learned how to cope and navigate through challenges and cravings.
The addiction let up slowly, gradually. I could feel it gently releasing me from its grips. As the psychological addiction released a little bit at a time, I grew stronger and more confident.
In the meantime, I showed up to the Be Sober community daily and connected with others who were quitting alcohol. I went to many Zoom meetings and Q&As that gave me tips and tricks to beat this demon called alcohol. Plus, Simon has an entire program I went through a little at a time, I can still access it today to refresh my memory and strengthen my resolve.
I do believe God has a huge part in my sobriety as well. I believe he led me to the resources and people that would assist me on my sober pathway. I believe in the saying seek and you will find as well as asking anything in His name and it will be given to you. I still had to be willing to receive His help and be open to the resources available to me and do the work. I did do it with God’s divine intervention though, I firmly believe that.
I also had to believe I could stop drinking. I believed I could because I saw others doing it. Seeing the people in my sobriety support group reach Alcohol-Free milestones spurred me on to keep going, as well as celebrating my own successes along the way.
I will forever be grateful for my sober life and all the people who have helped me along the way. It’s not something I take for granted, it is a priceless, cherished gift I have received, and I am truly blessed to have it.
If you are struggling with stopping an addiction, don’t give up on yourself. Persevere, and find a community that can support you on your journey. By all means, if you feel you need to go to a treatment center to get started or have a medical detox, please do so, don’t hesitate. This is your life, your precious life and you deserve true joy and freedom.