Lifting your mood after you quit drinking

By Adrienne Kaliszak
Everything is going great. You’ve kicked the booze to the curb and life is going smoothly. Then out of nowhere, it seems, you get knocked down. You have no energy, no motivation, and the joy of being sober and just being alive has disappeared.
How do we cope with life when it seems to have given us a mouthful of bitter lemons?
First, realize that even though we no longer drown our sorrows with Mojitos and Margaritas life still happens and we will encounter moments when we don’t feel like ourselves and are sad.
There are some ways we can be proactive to help improve our mood though.
- Move More
While your body seems to be telling you to sleep and rest which is good to do, we still need to move and be active a bit. Whether it’s a brisk walk around the block, tidying up your home, or doing a little window shopping. Getting up and getting moving will help improve your mood.
- Get Some Sunlight
It is a known fact that the sun’s rays are a natural endorphin booster. Getting outside and soaking in some rays will help alleviate a low mood. So rub that sunscreen on, find a comfy spot outside, and feel the heat.
- Get in Touch with Nature
Spend some time surrounded by nature. Whether it be in the park, at the ocean, in a forest, or even in your own backyard listening to the birds, spend time surrounded by nature’s beauty. Observe the sights and sounds you see. When you’re done, go home and write all you heard and saw to remember the special time you had with mother nature.
- Set Some Goals for the Day
By writing out some goals for the day and crossing them off as you complete them you will boost your mood and feel a sense of accomplishment and just plain good about yourself. It will give you a sense of purpose as you go about your day, and you will feel great when you lay your head down at night knowing you had a day full of satisfying achievements.
- Listen to Uplifting Music and Dance Like No One is Watching
Even if you don’t feel like it, play some of your favorite music, and get jiggy with it. The music and dancing will surely lift your spirits and fill your heart and soul with joy.
- Rest/Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Sometimes all our body needs is a little rest and relaxation. Don’t feel guilty for this, it’s ok to relax and chill, in fact it’s necessary. You just need to be careful that you’re not getting too much sleep as that can be cause for concern.
Sometimes even when we’ve tried all we can to shake the depression or sadness it just won’t go. When that happens, it may be a good time to contact your family physician, they can guide you to get the help and care you need. Never be afraid to ask for help, that’s what your doctor is there for.