Navigating a Drinking Culture When You No Longer Drink Alcohol

By Adrienne Kaliszak
Let’s face it alcohol is everywhere. At ball games, at festivals, at concerts, and even at family gatherings.
Besides it being everywhere we are also constantly bombarded with ads for it on the TV, billboards, music, and the internet.
So how do we go about living an alcohol-free life when the very culture we live in seems to worship and promote the use of alcohol.
Know your Why’s
Know exactly why you decided to stop drinking to begin with. Having strong reasons for being sober will keep you from falling into the drinking trap.
Write your reasons out and keep the list nearby in your wallet or purse so you can whip it out in a moment of weakness. This may give you the strength you need to not cave in a difficult moment.
Be Prepared
You can still go to that ball game, concert, or festival just have a plan in place before you go.
Think about other options to drink you can have when you get there. You can even look up the event online ahead of time and pick out a yummy alcohol-free alternative to have instead.
If the venue allows you can bring your own Alcohol Free drink option to the event.
Set Boundaries
Have boundaries for yourself and others.
If at any time you feel uncomfortable plan on a way you can leave the uncomfortable situation.
Don’t worry about upsetting anyone either, this is your life, and your sobriety is important, so if you have to leave early by all means do so.
Change up your Activities
While alcohol is in many places there are still things you can do where alcohol isn’t the main focus.
Walks, hiking, going to the library, picnics, and arts and craft classes at an art store (they still have classes that don’t include alcohol), to name a few.
Here’s a link to a list of 100 activities you can do that don’t include alcohol.
Final Thoughts
While navigating this alcohol-fueled world may seem overwhelming at times it is very possible. Have fun with it.
You are doing an incredible thing and it’s worth overcoming the challenges that come your way.
The challenges will make you stronger and create amazing growth in your life.