HALT for Sobriety

By Adrienne
If you’ve been around the sober world for any length of time you may have heard of the acronym HALT.
HALT stands for, Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
If you are having a craving for alcohol it is good to check HALT first.
Are you Hungry? — Eat. Cook your favorite meal. Have a handful of nuts. Some fruits and vegetables. Even ice cream as a special treat.
Are you Angry? — Why are you angry? Talk about your feelings. Feel your feelings and state, “I am angry because…” Get your anger out with physical exercise. Journal and write about your anger. Draw your anger, what does your anger look like to you, what color is it, and what’s its texture?
Are you Lonely? — Call a friend. Plan a party. Get together with friends or family. Plan your week so you will be around people a couple of times throughout the week.
Are you Tired? — Rest. Meditate. Sleep. Take a nap. Go to bed early. Going to bed early saved my quit on more than one occasion and felt so much better upon waking.
When we are having a craving for alcohol quite often one or two of these needs from HALT aren’t being fulfilled.
Checking yourself to see if one of these needs must be met and fulfilling them can get you through that craving and prevent you from a slip or even a full-blown relapse.
By all means, if you are having a difficult time and don’t think you can get through that pull to drink or use. Call someone. Reach out. Go to a meeting. There are options. Drinking or using is not one of them though, if you desire to remain sober and live a life of freedom.