A Post For The Sober Curious – Is stopping drinking really worth it?

Is stopping drinking worth it?

If you are at the point of your life where you are taking stock and you have concerns about your level of drinking, but you are wondering whether committing to an alcohol-free life is really worth it, then this blog is for you.

If you are not a fan of reading blogs and prefer to watch content on YouTube, then I have also created a YouTube video on this subject which you can watch below:

(Insert the stopping drinking really worth it? Video)

It can be a really hard time when you feel at a cross roads in your life of whether alcohol should still remain a part of your life, or whether the benefits of ditching alcohol for good will be worth it for you. I therefore wanted to put together in this blog the benefits I have experienced from quitting alcohol and the benefits that members of my quit alcohol programme have experienced to help you see what you can gain from stopping drinking.

#1 Changes to my physical appearance

One of the first big changes that I noticed when I started on my sobriety journey were positive changes to my physical appearance. I had become noticeably less bloated due to my body no longer needing to retain water from alcohol abuse. My face also became less puffy and I feel from looking at before and after images, that I look younger and I feel so much better. I also have more energy to focus on exercise, meditation and yoga, so I also feel physically fitter, which is great for my overall feel-good factor and wellbeing!

#2 Improved mental outlook

For as long as I can remember I have suffered from anxiety, however, what I didn’t realise was just how much drinking alcohol was impacting my mental health. Only once I had stopped drinking did I notice a stark improvement on my mental outlook and whilst I do experience anxiety to this day and it is something I still work on to improve, the occurrence of it is less frequent and less impacting that it was when I was in the grips of my alcohol addiction.

#3 Money Saving

I didn’t realise just how much I was spending each week on alcohol. I knew it was quite a bit of money but once I committed to sobriety, I decided to set aside the money each week I would normally spend on wine and the savings have been truly shocking! I now use the money toward activities and treats with my family, creating memories that will never be forgotten. If you are feeling the financial strain at the moment, then I really do urge you to consider just how much of your income goes toward buying alcohol each day, week and month of the year.

#4 Improved relationships

Alcohol can be a big blight on the strongest of relationships. It can cause arguments relating to things said or done when intoxicated. It can cause financial issues and strain and it can also be the reason promises are not kept. It still upsets me now to think of the activities I missed or rushed through with my son due to my alcohol addiction. Our relationship has gone from strength to strength now I am able to be present in the moment with him and spend actual quality time doing things that he enjoys and things that we can do together.

#5 Improved Sleep

This may be a bit of a controversial one for some as an improved sleep doesn’t come straight away for all. Alcohol has a negative impact on the sleep/wake cycle and how deep of a sleep you have. If you have drunk alcohol for a number of years, then it will take some time to repair the damage caused and when you adopt an alcohol-free life, you may find at the start that your sleep is more disrupted. However, this will not last forever. I can say from experience that now I have never slept better! I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, compared to when I was drinking and it would be the alarm that would wake me and I couldn’t face the day ahead.

#6 Self Control

When you commit to something as big as breaking a habit or addiction that you may have done for decades, it demonstrates such an inspiring and awesome level of self-control and willpower. You will have shown yourself that you can do something for you and for the people you care about with taking your life into your control and improving it dramatically. That is something that no one can ever take away from you.

I really do hope that the above helps to give you an excellent idea of some of the benefits you can experience from a life of sobriety. If you were to ask me, is stopping drinking worth it, then the answer will always be a resounding YES!  The benefits of stopping drinking are unique and different to every individual and I would also love to hear from you in the comments section below. Are you on a road of recovery? If so, what benefits are you noticing at the moment? Or, are you considering stopping drinking but you have concerns that your life may be worse off for not drinking? Please do get in touch as I would love to hear from you.


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