Sober Survival Series – Coping with feelings of boredom in sobriety
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Recently on my Facebook support community, one of my members posted asking how everyone else copes with the feelings of boredom since they have been on their sobriety journey. This is a very real issue and from the number of comments received, boredom and coping with feelings of boredom can severely negatively impact on your sober journey if not acknowledged and managed. It is also certainly something I have experienced in the past. It is an awful feeling that brings down your mood and can lead to thoughts of returning to drinking again. Which is something that I wanted to address with myself right away and as other people are experiencing the same, I thought I would publish this blog around boredom and how to help diminish those negative feelings.
Feelings of boredom
I don’t need to explain in great deal what the feelings of boredom are as we have all experienced being bored one way or the other throughout our lives. Those feelings of restlessness, loneliness, not knowing what to do can lead to greater issues if not dealt with which include depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Whilst being bored at different periods is completely normal, if you are now finding yourself bored a lot, especially at the same parts of the day which used to be filled with drinking, then this is where the issue needs to be addressed and it is vital that you look into what you can do to replace those feelings with something positive in your life.
Alcohol and boredom
Alcohol fills a void in your life. If you have drunk alcohol for a number of years, then having this suddenly taken away is a major life change and adjustment. I didn’t realise until I stopped drinking just how much I relied on it to pass hours of the day/evening away. Once I had stopped drinking and the honeymoon period of positivity with my new life change had diminished, I knew that I had to start doing new, positive things that took my mind away from feelings of boredom which inevitably would have led me to drinking again.
How I stopped boredom in its tracks and ideas for you
Once I realised that if I don’t stop these horrible feelings of boredom continually arising in my life, I would have so much more chance at sobriety success. For me personally, I threw myself into a new healthy living regime which focused on physical and mental health. I took my new exercise plans and started to properly invest time in healthy and clean living. I also have started to explore mindfulness for my own inner peace. Here are also some things that could help you:
- Exercise – As mentioned above, this has been a boredom killer saviour for me. Exercise isn’t always enjoyable for all, but the trick is finding the thing that you do enjoy and going with that. Whether it’s running, boxing, going to the gym, fishing or something else. It’s all about getting out of your head and getting outdoors.
- Journal – I have often commented on how important it is to keep a journal. Not only is it a great way to track your progress and have a place to write down openly how you are feeling, but it is also a great boredom killer. If you are feeling frustrated and bored, then get those idle hands busy with writing your journal.
- Make time for your family – When I was in the grips of my addiction, I hate to say it, but my family did not always come first. The drinking was in control and I have made sure that since being sober, I make time the time for my family, spending quality time together.
- YouTube & books – YouTube is not only a great place to gain new information and learn new things, but it is also excellent for helping to pass time if you are feeling bored. Get on there and watch a few videos and before you know it, time has passed and feelings of boredom and thoughts toward alcohol and have hopefully slipped away. This is also true for picking up a good book and getting lost in the pages.
- Invest in yourself – Maybe you have always wanted to start your own part time business or there is a new skill or hobby you want to learn. There is no better time to learn than now and if you are sitting there feeling bored, then you have the time to invest in yourself to turn negative thoughts into positive action.
- Own your feelings – Finally, don’t always feel like you have to do something. Boredom is a feeling we all experience and it’s good to own your emotions and understand why you might be feeling positive or negative so you can do something about it.
I hope these tips go some way to help you if you are currently experiencing continued feelings of boredom since you have been on your sobriety journey. You are certainly not alone with feeling like this. After all, alcohol was a big part of life at one point and now it is no longer there taking up your time.
Being bored isn’t unnatural and it is an emotion we all have to deal with throughout at lives. However, if you are noticing a pattern of negative boredom emotions have now taken hold since you have stopped drinking, then I urge you to look into this further. There is so much more to life beyond the bottle and now you no longer have alcohol controlling your daily routine, you are free to do what you want, when you want. So, take full advantage and enjoy the life you have given yourself.
I would also love to hear from you in the comments section below about what you do to curtail feelings of boredom now you no longer drink. What are your favourite activities and hobbies that keep your mind and body active?
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