July 2021 My 3 Year Soberversary – Looking back from where I started to where I am going

July 2021 My 3 Year Soberversary

July is always a big month in the calendar for me. It marks the yearly anniversary from when I ditched the booze for good and adopted my alcohol-free life. This year is 3 years where I have been completely sober and it feels absolutely fantastic! It’s certainly true what they say, sometimes the days seem to go slow but the months and years seem to absolutely fly by, now I am looking back from where I was in my life when I started my sobriety journey, to where I am now.

What I have come to understand now being in a place of hindsight is that there are certain phases of sobriety and whilst this is a life-long commitment and process, I wanted to share with you what I have experienced up to now and what I have been doing to keep myself focused on my sobriety and keeping my life in my control. I hope this helps you if you are just starting out on your journey, or you are currently struggling with your sobriety.

My starting point

I have often said before that for a lot of people, sobriety starts at the end of a major crisis point in their life. For me, there wasn’t one particular ‘crisis’ that caused me to stop in my tracks with drinking. I had become concerned for a long time about not just my level and frequency of drinking wine, but also how it had taken control of my life. For years, I thought it was me choosing to drink and having it take priority, however, it was my addiction that was in control. I started to become sober curious and I had also become extremely concerned about the physical side effects I was noticing from alcohol consumption which included my physical appearance and having my hands shaking. So, three years ago, I decided that having dabbled with sobriety previously I was going to make it work and that was my line in the sand so-to-speak.

Couple of months in

When I had first made the decision to quit alcohol, I started off like many others where it was exciting and positivity all of the way. I found the first few weeks and month really easy with not drinking as I was too preoccupied with sobriety and learning from others via YouTube, books, Facebook support groups and meeting new sobriety networks. However, once this initial honeymoon period of sobriety ended, I did start to struggle to keep my motivation up and thoughts of drinking had started to creep back in. I knew I didn’t want to go back but I also had the voice in my head trying to convince me of all the reasons why I should drink again. I knew I couldn’t let these thoughts and the temptation win so I had to start doing new things that were not alcohol-related and that’s where I threw myself into a new healthy living regime. I also found a lot of comfort with reading through other people’s stories of sobriety who were further along their journey and understanding that, what I am experiencing is normal and if I let it, it wouldn’t just be one drink. The addiction would have its grips on my life again.

Starting my Quit Alcohol Programme

I started besober.co.uk and my quit alcohol programme to help change other people’s lives, but in truth, it has changed my life. I knew from early on in my journey of sobriety how amazing it was/is to not have alcohol controlling my life anymore, that I also wanted to help anyone else with a problem with alcohol. Having this focus has kept my sobriety at the forefront and helped ensure my willpower is always maintained. From starting my quit alcohol programme I have also met so many inspiring people through Instagram, my support community and YouTube that it also led me to publish 3 books on alcohol, addiction and sobriety.

Where I am now

Life for me could not be better. My anxiety whilst sometimes high, is under so much more control now. I also get to appreciate the things in my life that alcohol stole for so many years, proper time with my family and friends along with helping people through my quit alcohol programme. I sleep so much better and the physical negative symptoms caused by alcohol abuse have greatly diminished or gone completely. Yes, I can’t lie and say that life doesn’t still have its challenges as it does for everybody, the difference now is I don’t use alcohol to cope with any thoughts of negative or positive emotion.

The Future

I take my sobriety one day at a time where nothing is ever taken for granted. With the benefit of hindsight now compared to 3 years ago, I know how much my life has been transformed since I decided to put the wine down and to give my alcohol-free life a real chance. I do have lots of exciting things planned in the pipeline which includes new books, more face-to-face sobriety meetings, talking at some great events and other course, spending time with my family. In short, I am excited for what the months and years that lay ahead have in-store.

Do you have a problem with alcohol? One minute test

Take the one-minute quiz and find out whether alcohol might be a problem in your life and if so, what you can do to change it.
Complete the form below to see results

I hope this blog gives you a great idea of what I have experienced over the past 3 years. Whether you are considering sobriety, or you are at a difficult point of your journey, or you just enjoy reading about other people’s journeys, you have got this! I would also love to hear from you in the comments about where you are currently if you are on your sober journey. Are you just starting out? Been sober for a few years or longer? What have your experiences been and how are you feeling right now? Don’t forget to also check out my YouTube Channel to see me talking about sobriety and other related topics on a weekly basis! Here is to another 3 years of sobriety!


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