Top 10 Addiction, Sober Websites & Recovery Blogs to Follow in 2021

When I first started my sobriety journey, I was like a sponge. I wanted to soak in as much information as possible about how to stop drinking from any available resource which I felt was going to aid with my recovery and lead a positive and happy alcohol-free life. From my research, I found a number of sobriety websites run by mentors, commentators and sober influencers, which I have found to be a great source of inspiration and help, I wanted to share them with you here.
The best sober bloggers are the people who have been through the experience of addiction themselves and then come out the other side to share their powerful stories with the world. Personal stories can have a huge impact when we are looking for inspiration to quit alcohol and all of the websites below are by people who have walked the walk and beaten alcohol addiction.
I really do hope that some of these websites help you on your own journey, as they have helped me and continue to do so.
Without further ado, here is the selection of what I feel are the best sober websites which focus on addiction, recovery and sobriety.
Top 10 Addiction, Sober Websites & Recover Blogs to Follow in 2021
#1 Be Sober – Simon Chapple The Quit Alcohol Coach
I know, I know! This is my site, but I had to give it a mention as I am extremely proud of what I have created since committing to sobriety. When I discovered the life-changing benefits of removing alcohol from my life I knew I would never return to drinking. I decided from that very moment that I wanted to help other people by sharing my own experience of drinking and the steps to thrive without a life that revolves around alcohol.
Website Content
The website is designed to be completely information driven. There is lots of useful, free content about sobriety and tips for dealing with addiction to alcohol, including an active blog. The website includes links to my YouTube Channel and Social Media platforms. This is where you can also sign-up to my quit alcohol programme if you feel you will really benefit from a more intensive level of support, guidance and mentorship on the path to successfully getting your life back in control and away from drinking.
#2 This Naked Mind – Annie Grace
Annie was one of the first ‘sober heroes’ I found when I started looking for and reaching out for help and support on my sober journey. The blog she has on her website is amazing! It’s full of Annie’s own personal experiences with addiction, along with powerful stories from her readers. Annie dispenses powerful advice to anyone starting out in sobriety, along with tips for those who have already quit drinking.
Website Content
The Naked Mind is packed full of content. Whether you are looking for free resources about sobriety, or her brilliant podcast channel and blog, it is all there. Annie also has an extremely popular (and for good reason) recovery programme you can join via her website. Her site is updated daily with new helpful content for the sober community, so I highly recommend you bookmarking This Naked Mind.
As the name of the site suggests, this website is built around a community of women of colour who are there to provide support for anyone looking to ditch the booze or have been on their sobriety journey for a period of time and are now seeking additional support. The site is designed to aid women of colour to have a safe space to be able to talk openly about addiction along with the opportunity to connect, make friends and have fun while feeling fully supported.
Website Content
The site is built around the brilliant blog, full of lots of helpful information about sobriety along with myth-busting posts, tips for success and general blogging around being a woman of colour in society while facing addiction. What I love about their site is that they also have a guest blogging section, whereby, anyone can submit a blog they have written about their experiences with addiction and it may get published on their site to help others!
The Sober Black Girls Club has gained fantastic momentum over the past few years and with over 17k followers on Instagram and new blogs being uploaded to their site on a daily basis, if you are a woman of colour who is sober curious, starting sobriety or struggling with alcohol, then I highly recommend that you check them out.
#4 Reddit – Subreddit /StopDrinking
I’ll be completely honest and say that I don’t have lots of experience with Reddit. However, my son opened my eyes to it and how good it can be for its individual communities (comprised in subreddits). If you have never used Reddit before, then, the term subreddit is describes a blog on a specialist topic contained within Reddit. The StopDrinking subreddit is for anyone to join who wants help and support when it comes to removing alcohol from their lives.
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I was pleasantly surprised upon visiting the StopDrinking subreddit to see that it has an extensive support community that also appears to be closely knit, where the contributors want to help anyone struggling with drinking problems. It’s completely free to join and it doesn’t take long at all to create an account and post your own subject or comment and view what other people are saying about sobriety and alcohol addiction.
The Sober Senorita was founded by Kelly Fitzgerald-Junco, a certified recovery coach who helps people change their relationship with alcohol. I was honoured to talk on the same stage as Kelly at This Naked Mind Live and found her to be an absolute inspiration. Her website lists helpful resources for anyone looking to stop drinking and the blog is updated regularly with powerful and personal posts that will assist anyone who is on the path to sobriety.
Website Content
The Sober Senorita blog stands out because of the personal nature of the posts. Many are based around Kelly’s life which she weaves with lessons and advice to help people on their own journey.
#6 The Temper
The Temper website and blog was founded by Holly Whitaker the author of the book Hip Sobriety and provides a wealth of content for visitors to explore. The Tempers pulls no punches when it comes to ending the stigma associated with alcohol abuse and prides itself in a radical approach that helps readers realise that they are on the path to claiming back their personal power when they cut alcohol out of their lives.
Website Content
The site has a brilliant blog that is regularly updated, it includes individual sobriety stories that are often submitted by readers of the blog, there is also a program that people can join called The Tempest along with a huge amount of advice and real-world solutions for anyone working on being sober. This is a great blog to help cultivate the right mindset for sober life.
#7 The Fix
The Fix is a brilliant news website that covers stories from around the world about sobriety, addiction and recovery. The website includes reviews of recovery programs and an active forum for members to connect and discuss topics about sobriety.
The articles on the blog range cover topics from sober lifestyle through to practical advice for people who are new to sobriety.
Website Content
The Fix blog is updated often, with new stories hitting the front page all the time. It has a wealth of content and is the perfect ‘go-to’ blog if you are looking for information or advice on a specific recovery related topic.
Laura McKowen is a writer and blogger who helps people who want to break free from the grip of alcohol addiction. Her blog is rich with helpful content that provide insights and takeaways for anyone on their journey to quitting drinking. The blog isn’t updated as often as some of the other sobriety websites shown on this page, I recommend heading over to Laura’s blog to access one of the best recovery podcasts around.
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As well as a blog, the website includes links to Laura’s social media channels and blog as well as giving visitors the option to join her program.
#9 The Sober Experiment – Alex & Lisa
I have been a follower of Alex & Lisa from The Sober Experiment since starting my own sober journey. They have made massive waves in the social media space with the sober movement and through their website, they have a lot of useful information on alcohol addiction and sobriety, along with tips to aid your own recovery. They are incredibly proactive in the world of sobriety, and take their message further by working with schools, workplaces and addiction recovery groups, taking in the full sphere of society and its impact on addiction.
Website Content
If you are looking for a wealth of information on alcohol addiction, then you too will love The Sober Experiment website. You will be able to see that they have an active blog on all things related to addiction and wellbeing. They also have a superb podcast series to listen to and an action-packed YouTube channel!
I highly recommend you checking them out whether you are sober curious, wanting to start your sobriety journey or you are already on your road to recovery.
You may not realise but the NHS website has some amazing help and guidance available across a wide range of physical and psychological conditions, including addiction. It is encouraging to see that they have a wealth of information regarding to alcohol addiction, treating it rightly, as an illness. I often have used the website when I am researching facts, figures and risks associated to alcohol abuse and physical and mental health.
Website Content
The help available via the NHS website is content heavy. The content is mostly in a blog format, however, I wanted to include it as there is a lot of information available including recommendations to different organisations for anyone who is at a crisis point with alcohol, or for family members who are looking for help with assisting someone who has an alcohol addiction.
The above is a snapshot of 10 of the best websites about sobriety and includes recommendations that you should check out for 2021 and beyond. I will also be adding to this list throughout this year as there are others to include with more and more new sober influencers and organisations rising up all the time. I hope these online resources help you.
Do you have a particular sober website that you visit regularly? If so, then I would love to hear about it in comments!