Best Sober Movies – the top movies to watch in sobriety

With the arrival of a New Year and ‘Dry January’, if you are embarking on your sobriety journey or you have been sober for a period of time, I know that you will likely be focusing a lot of time on researching and seeking inspiration to help you along with your recovery. At the moment, we can’t leave our homes due to national lockdown, so why not get yourself comfortable on the sofa and work your way through a number of the fantastic sober movies that are available to watch.

Yes, that’s right, you may not realise but there are a number of movies that have been produced that have an underlying message of addiction and recovery which have been mainstream successes. I wanted to compile a list of my favourites which I feel definitely are worth a watch.


A Star is Born (2018)

Nominated for 8 Oscars and winning one of for the best song “Shallow”, if you haven’t watched A Star is Born yet, featuring leading artist Lady Gaga and icon Bradley Cooper, then it is likely you have heard of it. What you may not realise is that this film depicts mental illness, addiction struggles and recovery perfectly on the big screen. It beautifully paints a picture of the true heartache that addiction can cause.

Worth a Watch?

Yes! In my opinion seeing Bradley Cooper play a seasoned country singer (Jackson Maine), meeting a struggling artist Ally (Lady Gaga) and they fall in love was a superb portrayal. However, behind the love story is the brutal and raw honesty of addiction and the impact it can have.

Runtime: 135 mins

Genre: Music/Drama

Year Released: 2018.



Flight (2012)

Starring one of my all-time favourite actors – Denzel Washington portrays an airline pilot who is a functioning alcoholic. Based on a real-life event, Capt. Whip (Washington) in one heart thumping scene saves the passenger plane from near disaster in what would have been fatal for all crew and passengers. The course of the rest of the film covers the pursuing investigation into the incident and the addiction and troubles Captain Whip is experiencing. There are many frustrating and difficult scenes to watch which show a true representation of the life of an addict and the lies, delusion and depression that alcoholism can cause.

Worth a Watch?

Absolutely one to watch! Denzel depicts a functioning alcoholic perfectly and the risks that trying to function normally whilst being an alcoholic can cause. You also get to experience Captain Whip’s struggles with sobriety which could go either way. A life of truth and recovery or a life of lies.

Runtime: 138 minutes

Genre: Drama/Thriller

Year Released: 2012



28 Days (2000)

One of the faves within the sober community, if you haven’t seen 28 Days yet, then is it a must watch for you. Gwen (Sandra Bullock) is a young professional who loves to drink and party. After a series of awful, yet what can be relatable incidents for people with addiction, she is finally forced into rehab after ruining her sister’s wedding. The film plays out with Gwen first refusing to face up or believe that she is addicted to alcohol. However, through self-discovery and leaning on support from others who are in recovery, she realises that she does have an addiction which causes a dramatic U turn to her life.

Worth a Watch?

OK, so this film may feel a bit cheesy with your classic ROM-COM and some critics have stated that this film trivialises too much the impact of addiction and how hard recovery can be, it is still certainly worth a watch. It’s a heart-warming film with a feel-good factor. Underneath it all, there is an important message about addiction and how it can strike at any age and any class background.

Runtime: 103 minutes

Genre: Drama/Comedy

Year Released: 2000



Smashed (2012)

This blockbuster focuses on a woman’s journey with getting sober and accepting her addiction. Kate, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead loves to have a carefree drink with her husband, Charlie played by Aaron Paul. However, her enjoyment of drink and drugs soon turns into a series of shame-ridden events. At first her choice for sobriety is met with scepticism from those closest to her (her husband and mother), but she seeks comfort and inspiration from fellow addicts in recovery. Once Kate is sober, she starts to question other aspects of her life and whether they are right for her.

Worth a Watch?

I loved Aaron Paul’s role in Breaking Bad, so I was keen to watch Smashed. I found it to be really enjoyable and ‘close to the bone’ with dealing with addiction and recovery. Critics have called the film cliché but it’s only because what the film depicts is true. Unlike other films, addiction and recovery are not made to look easy or glamorised, which I really appreciated when watching.

Runtime: 81 minutes

Genre: Drama/Comedy

Year Released: 2012



Walk The Line (2005)

With a powerful storyline which centres around a young Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) going through some life tragedies such as losing his brother and the relationship with his father breaking down, through to discovering music and rising to fame. This film is an emotional rollercoaster based on Johnny Cash’s life and love for June Carter (Reese Witherspoon).

The film portrays beautifully the love between both Johnny and June and how June struggles to allow herself to get completely close to him due to his addiction, however, through the love and support she shows him, it greatly helps him successfully recover from his addiction.

Worth a Watch?

100% Yes! I have watched this film a number of times and love it just as much every time. The acting from all is superb and shows a real, raw emotional side to addiction along with pain and loss we can all experience through life.

Runtime: 94 minutes

Genre: Music/Drama

Year Released: 2005



When a Man loves a Woman (1994)

An older movie but I had to include it as it depicts two important aspects which are both addiction and co-dependency. The film features around a husband and wife. The husband, played by Andy Garcia is away from home a lot due to being a pilot. His wife, played brilliantly by Meg Ryan has a problem with drinking which is made worst when her husband is away.

It’s only once her drinking leads to some serious negative consequences that her husband takes action and helps her with recovery. The story follows her recovery but also covers the partners side of the story with coping with an addict partner who is now sober and independent.

Worth a Watch?

It’s a classic so yes! If you have not watched When a Man Loves a Women before, then I would highly recommend you investing the time. It’s a great feel-good factor film whilst also looking at the struggles for both sides in a relationship where addiction is present.

Runtime: 126 minutes

Genre: Romance/Drama

Year Released: 1994



As you can see from the above, there are certainly a number of films which include addiction and recovery within the story line. Whether that’s as a by-product of the story or the main driving force of the narrative. So, why not grab the popcorn, sit back, relax and watch them.

I would love to hear your thoughts of any of the above. Also, do you feel I have missed any? If so, please leave a comment with which you feel are the best sober movies.





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