Quit Alcohol Programmes – What are the best Stop Drinking Programs?

Be Sober – Stay Sober
Launched in 2020 I am honoured to be part of the team behind this incredible quit drinking programme. So of course I am going to put it first in the list of the best quit alcohol programs. However, I have ensured all reviews are written from a neutral perspective to ensure you find a sobriety programme or course that is right for your specific needs.
Users of the programme have described Be Sober – Stay Sober as a fantastic programme that is loaded with features and perfect for people who want to change their relationship with alcohol, it is ideal for anyone who wants to quit drinking or maintain their sobriety long term.
The programme has been designed so it is fully functional on mobile and tablet devices and it works as a high-end learning and training app, with the goal of helping users become sober if that is what they want to achieve. The programme is without doubt the best available due to the level of engagement and the fact that users feel part of a community and fully supported on the journey to alcohol-freedom.
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The beauty of this powerful quit alcohol programme is that it includes a structured audio course with over 80 lessons, which users can listen to while they are out and about, in the car or from the comfort of their own home.
On top of this, the programme includes live interactive coaching sessions for users to join in real time, or you can watch them back as a replay. Session are hosted via Facebook live and also in a group format on Zoom, which has a more personal feel.
The platform is user friendly, easy to navigate and allows users to work at their own pace. On top of this, the programme includes access to a members-only Facebook community alongside support from coaches via live chat, email and messenger.
Users also have a sobriety counter tool with milestone awards to allow them to track their sobriety and celebrate when they hit their goals.
Although I am biased, I truly believe this stop drinking programme is the best in class if you are looking for something that will give you a clear path to quitting alcohol alongside support, coaching, accountability and connection along the way.
Summary of features
- 80+ Lesson Audio Course
- Sobriety counter tool with milestone awards
- Built in note taking and journaling feature when listening to lessons
- Live Coaching Sessions (or watch replays)
- Live Group Calls (or watch/listen to replays)
- Members-only Facebook Group
- Members-only Forum
- Free eBook of The Sober Survival Guide by Simon Chapple
- Support via live chat, email and messenger
Price – £16 per month with the first 14 days free
Website – www.joinbesober.com
'Your windshield is bigger than your rearview for a reason; the mirror is there to help you glance back at where you’ve been, but if you focus too much on it, you’re going to crash.
We are ALL affected by our past and we are ALL reminded of it now and again, but we cannot live in it unless we want to repeat it over and over again. We need to learn from it, take lessons from it, know what’s good (and not good) for us, and adjust accordingly. Mistakes are only mistakes until we learn from them and then they become lessons.'
Love this from the Your Tango blog, it sums up the need for a forward focused growth mindset in sobriety and life in general.
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Having an amazing time in #Japan and managed to head south out of Tokyo for a few days today to Kamakura by the ocean.
The drinking culture here is totally different to the UK, but all the bars are full, not many AF options either, but I wouldn’t want to visit such an amazing place and spoil it by boozing.
#tokyo #kamakura #tokyonight #tokyoneon #kamakuratemple #japaneseshrine #buddhisttemple #japantravel #tokyotrip #ramen #japaneseculture #japanlife
Wow! Rock Bottom & Rising has won the GOLD medal at the @nautilusbookawards for the best Addiction Recovery Memoir.
The book has 21 incredible stories by real people who have quit alcohol and turned their lives around, it is a truly inspirational read.
So this award is for everyone who contributed to the book, congratulations and thank you!
#bestbooks #nautilusbookaward #nautilusbookawards #nautilusbookawardwinner #sheldonpress #hatchettebookgroup #hodderandstoughton #addictionbooks #adictionmemoir #alcoholbooks #sobrietybooks #soberbooks
Woohoo! Just seen one of my books on the shelf @theworksstores #anxiety #anxietybook #theworks #bookshop #selfhelpbook #bookstore
Just finished recording a piece with @itvnews about the growing number of people quitting alcohol and the sobriety movement as a whole.
It airs next week, so look out for my shiny head on your TV screens.
#itv #sobriety #itvnews #sobermovement #sobercoach #tvinterview #newsstory #alcoholfree #soberlife #sobrietyrules
These two inspiring books from leading sobriety coach Simon Chapple are out today!
Read more...Repost @sheldon.press
Featuring contributions from some of the most well-known personalities in the Sober Space, Rock Bottom and Rising brings us real, raw, relatable stories from individuals who’ve found joy in an alcohol-free life.
The perfect companion to Rock Bottom – The Sober Life Journal captures the essence of journaling and provides space to grow and develop as you embark on a sober life. With hundreds of writing prompts, pages for reflection, focus, inspiration and guided exercises, this beautiful new journal supports your intention to create something lasting and meaningful to accompany you on your journey to an alcohol-free life.
Ideal for anyone contemplating a sober life come the new year, or from #dryjanuary.
Find out more in our bio.
#RockBottomandRising #SoberLife #Sober #SobrietyCoach #Sobriety #StopDrinking #Freefromalcohol #AlcoholFree #SoberBook #SimonChapple #BeSober #Howtogosober #quittingalcohol #teetotaller #teetotal #alcoholism #aa #cutdown #alcoholic #thisnakedmind #addiction #problemdrinking #soberjourney
Georgia Foster – 7 Days to Drink Less
This is a seven day online programme which claims to be the fastest way to stop drinking alcohol. Georgia Foster is a hypnotherapist and her quit alcohol program aims to help users achieve understanding about why they have become caught in a rut with their drinking alongside working on he psychology, coping strategies and learning how to stop drinking.
The programme offers nothing in the way of accountability or support, only access to pre-recorded content and for seven days the price is fairly high when compared to other options. I also question the potential for a programme that only lasts for seven days to create a lasting change.
Price – £99.97 for seven days
Website – www.georgiafoster.com
The Live Alcohol Experiment from This Naked Mind
A 30-day programme from Annie Grace and my colleagues at This Naked Mind which currently runs bi-monthly. The core of the programme revolves around a private Facebook group which allows members to connect with each other, find support and share their journey. There are usually between 1000-2000 people in each group, which can be a little overwhelming for some people, but does have the added benefit of potentially allowing members to connect with someone local to them.
Each day Annie Grace shares a pre-recorded video, these progress through a structured course over the 30 day period. In addition, one of the Naked Mind coaches hosts a live Q&A session each day, which lasts for roughly 30 minutes and allows members to post questions in real time for the coach to answer.
At the end of the 30-days the group is archived and members are offered the option to join a different programme with more intensive support and coaching, the cost is higher to do this.
Price – $47 for thirty days
Website – www.thealcoholexperiment.com
One Year No Beer
One Year No Beer has a masculine feel to it and the concept of taking a twelve month break from booze is presented as a challenge. Personally, I am not a fan of creating ‘challenges’ in sobriety, we can fail a challenge and there is no failure in getting sober if we are still putting in the work and showing up.
However, many people like the One Year No Beer concept and I joined the programme in my early stages of attempting to quit. In all honesty, I felt like I was paying to be a member of a Facebook group and other than receiving daily emails didn’t feel like I got anything more out of it. There was no live coaching or true support to speak of and I believe this is critical in order to make members feel connected, accountable and looked after.
Price – £59 for 20 days, £109 for 90 days, £250 for 12 months
Website – www.oneyearnobeer.com
Allen Carr’s Easyway
Allen Carr’s Easyway offers three different quit drinking programmes. They claim that the highest success rate comes from their online live seminar which is restricted to no more than 25 people. Seminars last 6-7 hours in duration and provide support from a therapist by phone or email along with free access to videos of past seminars.
As well as the live group seminars Allen Carr also offers live one-to-one seminars which can take place either online or in person and last around 6 hours.
The lowest cost option is the online quit alcohol video programme which provides three hours of content with 15 days access.
While the content is powerful, my concern is that the programs provide limited support and opportunities to connect with people on the same journey over the longer-term.
Price – from £99 to £1499 and upwards
Website – www.allencarr.com
Club Soda – Drink Mindfully AF
Club Soda are a UK based mindful drinking movement who has done wonders to change the thinking around drinking. They host regular events and have a thriving community of members.
The ‘Drink Mindfully AF’ programme includes 31 days of online learning with bonus videos content alongside four downloadable booklets, group calls, a drinking diary and the opportunity to connect with other members through private messaging.
The programme is not about taking a break from drinking, it is a 31 day course that is designed to provide all the information needed to change your relationship with alcohol and quit drinking for good.
Price – £40
Website – www.joinclubsoda.com
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If you need some inspiration, check this out…
🎥❤️🔥 My Top 5 favourite videos to help you quit alcohol on your own – watch these now if you are curious about sobriety and becoming alcohol-free:
1 – How I quit alcohol after 40 years – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0ydqjrN0AI
2 – Awesome tactic to stop alcohol cravings fast – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GedYoBZ_W2M&t
3 – 7 tips for the first week of sobriety – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq4x0vBEwMw&t
4 – Does alcohol cause depression and anxiety – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkrQpZPHBls&t
5 – Weight loss and stopping drinking alcohol – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyw9jM0kj5U&t
🌞 MUST WATCH – Check out my most viewed YouTube video – 7 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Sobriety – here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtBxWrju_ng&t
📚 Get the first 10 chapters of my first book totally free here: https://besober.co.uk/2020/08/18/stop-drinking-books-by-simon-chapple-recommended-quit-alcohol-books/